August 15th, 2022

What a ride these last 8 months have been. The roller coaster of emotions has been incredible. From high highs to low lows, I’ve experience them all. I understand the memes that talk about the perceived straight path to success vs the really twisted and loopy path that actually leads to it. In the past two to three weeks alone, I went from fearing that I’d be really self-conscious about our wealth and the things that we’re able to do with it (and the cars I drive more specifically), to really caring a lot less about what other people think about those things. I feel that it’s largely because I have a better appreciation for how much work Matthew and I have put in, and have yet to put into Collypto in order to take it where it needs to go. Ultimately, we’ve earned it and no one can tell me otherwise, nor do they have the right to.

The funny thing is that I’ve prayed for this, Lord. I asked that you’d help me not to feel bad or guilty about my success or what it affords me. I think that you found an excellent way to do just that. While my goal isn’t to simply flex on people, I appreciate this process that you’ve brought me through. I pray that first and foremost, you will help us to be a blessing to other people. And while we will be able to have and do stuff, I pray that you don’t let my heart be carried away by those things, or allow me to place my value and sense of self worth in those things.

It is interesting how, all of a sudden, I feel like getting funding is kind of a foregone conclusion. In the hills to climb on this road, getting funding is a smaller one. What looms larger is the process of actually executing how we’re going to build this company. Getting all of the right people in the right places, at the right time feels like a monumentus task. Then being able to do that while we grow a company culture and navigate being successful in this space is what my role will be as President. There are a lot of moving parts to this role and to building a business. It’s actually a little daunting, if not intimidating. But all in all, I feel like I am mentally growing into my role. I am gaining more understanding about the role that I’ll need to play.

Father God, I pray that you will allow us to get funding to collateralize the Collypto Index by next month. I pray that you will be with the potential stakeholders, their handlers, and anyone else that controls access to them. I pray that you prepare their hearts, their minds to be open to what it is that we have to present. I pray that your hand of favor and grace will be upon us and that you will bless the work of our hands and the work of our minds. I pray that you will allow us to say exactly what we need to say to the right people. I pray that you will lead us to the stakeholders that we need to have and that getting this money will almost seem easy. May it be that when people ask us how we secured $150M, we can look at them and tell them that we just asked for it. I pray that you would allow us to sell 5-10% equity next month (with an 10/15 transaction close date). May no one balk at our valuation and may we get just what we want and more than we need, Lord. I pray that you will help to make sure that we have operating funds so that we can pay our people right out the gate and not need to seek funding from a bank, and ideally not from our stakeholders. I pray for supernatural success Lord. May we find favor in the market. May we find favor in our employees. I pray that you would help us to create a company culture that honors you and one that people want to be a part of. Help me to be a good leader—one that honors you in his leadership and shines as a light for you without needing to beat people over the head with my faith. Please give me the wisdom, insight, and understanding to be a leader that people will follow. You said in your word that when we ask for wisdom, you give it generously. So I think you in advance for hearing me Lord. I thank you for the wisdom. I think you for the understanding. I thank you for the insight. I thank you for the success. I think you for the supernatural wealth and success that you spoke over me. Be glorified in it Lord. I thank you, Lord. I thank you that I can have the confidence in knowing that I have what I have asked for. I pray for your peace and your guidance, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, Collypto has conceptually gotten much bigger than I ever expected it to be. Or maybe it’s just more real now because we’re staring at the face of a for real launch. I pray that you would protect us. I pray for supernatural growth and supernatural sustainment. I pray that you would help to make sure that I am not overwhelmed by Collypto, it’s success, or anything else that comes along with it. I believe that you wanted me to walk down this path Lord, and I pray that it will be good for You, your kingdom, and for us. May my eyes stay on you. May my heart be locked in step with yours. May I hear your voice always, and my I act on the promptings that you give my heart. I know that your blessings bring wealth and you add no trouble to it, but I pray that you help me to set a good example for my children and others to follow. May I be able to exemplify that relationships matter above all else and that having material wealth is not what makes you a better or higher quality person. May I instill in them a love for you and a love for others as we exemplify radial generosity. May they see my business success as only a small part of the man that I am. Help me to be a father that reflects your character in the way that I interact with my children and in how I help them to shape their value systems. Lord, I just want to honor you in what I’m doing. I want you to be honored in my life and honored in my work. You’ve taken care of me and I want you to be able to use the outgrowth of that towards the betterment of your kingdom. Make the desires of your heart the desires of my heart. Lead me where you want me to go. May I have eyes that see, ears that hear, and a heart of compassion for those around me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


August 28th, 2022


May 30th 2022