August 28th, 2022

Lord, as you know I’ve been going through the entire spectrum of emotions lately. I’ve gone from unwavering audacious confidence to wondering if I was on the precipice of the biggest heartbreak that I’ve ever had to face in my life. How is it that I can be so sure that we have such an amazing product in Collypto, yet realistically fear that it is going to fall on its face? It is inconsistent.

The sermon today was about being courageous and casting all of your cares on God because He cares for you. it was a continuation of last week’s sermon. The overall tone of the message resonated with me because of my feelings of anxiety as we finalize the pitch deck and I get ready to do these sample pitches and prepare these letters for potential stakeholders. The thing is, I was hesitant to believe that today’s message was a message from you to me. Pastor Chad spoke about Moses and Aaron, leading your people out of Egypt. It seems like a very clear case of them doing your will in a very spiritual way. I didn’t want to incorrectly attribute my own journey to something super spiritual. But Carlisa helped me to realize that this journey that I am on is one that you have blessed. Like every other time when you’re guiding me/us into something, you open the right doors at the right time, and have me walk through them. You know what, Lord, this is no different. So again, I thank you for the opportunity. You gave me supernatural peace about pursuing Collypto, even though such a move would typically be outside of my comfort zone. Then time and time again, you’ve reinforced that your hand is upon me. You have continued to have people prophesy over my life that wealth—supernatural wealth, even—belongs to me. This path that I am on is consistent with all of those things. Please forgive me for being hesitant and resistant to acknowledge you in all of this. It was not my intent to be rude or to minimize how you’ve orchestrated this. In fact, it was the opposite. I didn’t want to attribute anything to you and then be wrong or mistaken.

I’ve prayed a lot of things over the years with regards to the passions that you put in my heart. I’ve prayed about the people I want to help and the impact that I want to have in the community. I’ve prayed that you would help me to follow your will and to be in a position to act on those passions. You put it in my heart that 2021 would be where I built the launching pad for my future. That I would stop thinking about what I am not, and start focusing on what I am. You told me that it was where my dare to dream goals would be come my game plan. And you did all of those things, Lord. You followed through on every single on. I prayed that you would allow us to have the perfect timing to enter the market with Collypto, that you would prepare the hearts of the potential stakeholders and shareholders. And you’re doing it! We had some delays, but those delays have put us in a much better environment to have a successful launch and a more impactful pitch. May I not doubt your hand—or the willingness for you to place your hand—on our situation.

I pray that you would give us grace and favor for the this phase (fundraising) and beyond. I pray for supernatural competence and the appropriate confidence to clearly and effectively communicate who we are, what we’re doing, and why people want to be a part of it. Lord, you said that you would supply all of our needs, according to your riches and glory in Christ Jesus. You said to ask and it shall be given unto us. You said to cast all of our cares on you because you care for us. So that’s what I am doing now, Lord. I pray for supernatural wisdom and insight. I pray for peace and for confidence. I pray that you would allow me to have all of the money that we need to support our lives until we get funded. I pray that you will put the right people in our path to both accelerate the fundraising process, but also be an asset to our business and our vision for it. When people ask us how we raised $150M, may my answer be able to be, “We asked for it.” May this work out far better than any of us ever expected it could. You are able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond we could ask or imagine. I challenge you on this, Lord, because you’ve given me a pretty big imagination :-p. I pray for the gatekeepers that some of these people have. I pray for continued favor prayed that we would raise ALL of our money so quickly that most people wouldn’t be able to believe it. I pray that for an equity standpoint, we’ll be able to easily get our valuation of a minumum $1B and be able to get the 5 stakeholders who want to join the board. I pray that you give us the confidence to keep pushing forward and not doubt when things continue to go our way.

May you be glorified in all of this today, Lord. May you be honored in my wealth. Guide me. Give me eyes that see, ears that hear, and and a heart of compassion that does not forsake those around me. In Jesus name, amen.

Joshua 1:7 reminds me to be strong and very courageous, so that ultimately, I will prosper wherever I go. God says that when you step out courageously, He will come through for you. As pastor Chad said, if we don’t believe that, why be a Christian?


2023 Was an incredible year


August 15th, 2022